Dear Lake Highlands Family,

I think we would all agree that 2020 has been quite a year.  With Covid and social unrest and political discord there is just so much negative around us it is easy for us to focus on what’s wrong in our world and lose sight of the good things.  Recently our staff was talking about some of the positive things we see happening in our community of faith and we thought it would be encouraging to share a few with you.

While many of us are getting a little tired of the ZOOM thing, what we may overlook is that because of this technology we have more people involved in Life Groups than in recent memory.  People from all walks of life, with varying cultural backgrounds, young and not-so-young are connecting and sharing life together.  Many people who just couldn’t make the logistics work before—because of job or kids or travel time or whatever—are now able to connect with others and share their joys and concerns in deeply meaningful ways.  And what’s SO cool is that the diversity of the Kingdom of Heaven is actually being realized right now through our virtual Life Groups!  This is something to be grateful for and encouraged by.  (And if I can put in a plug right here: use the breakout-rooms feature on Zoom; those who have done so say it really enhances the experience of connectedness.)

Staying with the technology theme, through our media ministry, people literally from all over the world are connecting with us via live stream for Sunday worship services.  Even with the gathering restrictions in place due to Covid, the gospel continues to go out and the technology that enables us to gather virtually to worship remains a buoy for people’s souls.  I encourage you to use this as an evangelistic opportunity as asking people to tune in is a very easy invite.  And if you’re looking for an opportunity to serve right now, media ministry may just be the place.

Our in-person attendance has been gradually increasing since we began coming back in July and we have had a number of new people from our neighborhood join us for worship; so many in fact that we are going to have a Starting Point class beginning the last Sunday of October (watch your email for more information on this as there may be someone you know who would be interested).  As we are committed to maintaining a safe and healthy worship environment with social distancing, this will pose a bit of a challenge going forward, especially with the families returning on October 11.  But it’s a great challenge!  The staff is discussing what going to two (or three) services would look as numbers require.  Pray with us on this.  We are eager to see how God is going to help us re-imagine how we do things.

And speaking of re-imagining, if you’ve been watching online in recent weeks you know that Merilee and Bethany have already re-imagined our children’s ministry.  On October 11 we are launching a whole new paradigm where the young church is going to be connecting with the older church.  People are signing up right now to be Connectors with our kiddos on Sunday mornings to do life-on-life discipleship/nurturing.  In the not-too-distant future it is our hope that every adult in our church will be connected with a couple of our kids and their families.

During this season, our compassion ministry has been in full swing.  We have significantly helped a number of people/families through this difficult time.  Like the man who has been struggling with heath issues for years that we’ve come alongside and enabled to get the medical care he’s needed and to transition into an on-going care facility.  Like the mother with several small children who was about to be evicted, but with our help things were settled with her landlord and now we are helping her to move into a new place that is better suited for her and her family.  Like the man who had his car stolen, but through the ministry of our church he now has a new-to-him car and is being shepherded through the insurance process. Like the poor and under-resourced people in our community who through our donations to Feed Lake Highlands were able to have food for their families for a week.  (By the way, we have another food drive coming on October 25th.  Let’s feed our community for two weeks this time!)  And we’ve got more services opportunities coming in the future.

We’ve had online prayer nights with more being planned, we’ve got a marriage seminar coming up on October 10, there are artistic things happening with songs being written and dances being choreographed and performed, and the youth group is embarking on a new paradigm with a new curriculum that I’m really excited about. AND while many many many churches are struggling financially right now, due to your generosity and faithfulness we are not.  We still have a little ground to make up, but no more than in non-Covid years.

So, are things a little upside down in our world right now?  Yep.  But as I look around and see all the wonderful things that God is doing in and through our church, I can’t help but be encouraged and grateful.  And it is a glorious reminder that even in a time of uncertainty in our world, our God is still on his throne and he continues to love and care for his kids!

Be encouraged.  I hope to see you soon.

